Thursday 31 May 2012

Little Readers (May)

Hello all! This month of May was a first for many fun ideas and events. Some of our exciting additions were a theme for the month, a craft box that hosts could utilize for group events (thanks to everyone who contributed!), many terrific outings, and our new book club for tots.

Little Readers was started in the month of May 2012, for mommas with babes and tots alike... The main goal? To encourage reading in the household. At an event earlier this month, I was reading The Lorax to the kiddos (really, anyone who sat still for a few seconds) and the topic came up of reading to our children. It surprised me how many of our fellow mommas voiced that they did not read on a regular basis. This is completely understandable, given everyone's busy busy lives. I myself have found it very hectic at times and forgotten to read to our little guy. So there came the idea to start a book club for moms and their little ones. We all know about adult book clubs (for serious lovers of literature, or the adventurous), but one for kids? Of course!

Early literacy is SO important for our little children. It helps them connect images with words, language development, learn about feelings, colours, numbers, imagination... So many things! It promotes bonding on a whole other level, and enhances the love of learning and literature! The book we read this month was "The Tale of Peter Rabbit" by Beatrix Potter. I chose this book for a started book because it came in board book, paperback, and disk versions. Every age can enjoy this book! And it is a classic. Parents are more likely to read to their little ones when they too enjoy what they are reading. Most of us have already read this story! How wonderful to share this with our little ones, and grandparents sharing as well.... Building memories through generations. We connect, we share... We enjoy and laugh and love!

When reading to your little one, you don't have to read all the words. Or all the pages. You don't even need to read the words! If your babe is still a wee one, try just pointing at the pictures and talking about them. They don't need small baby words. Just hearing you say words and pointing is already exciting and new to them. Count shapes, locate colours, talk about the feelings associated... Ask questions. Be animated! My little guy LOVES when I use funny voices or hand gestures. If someone is waving a rake in this book, I get him to wave a rake with me! The more involved and animated you are with a story, the more they will be too. Reading is FUN!

June will be a busy month, and most weekends are being filled with vacation plans, etc. I will be posting on our group page the optional book of the month. Take a moment once a day or week to read this book. Build your library! Reading at bedtime with snuggles can be a wonderful ending to anyone's day... Looking forward to writing and reading more for the month of June! Happy Reading!

For more information on early literacy, please go to...

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